How to make Templates in HTML (Reuse same code on every page) with Basic PHP

Want to Reuse the same Menu or Navbar in Multiple pages, but use only HTML?

Well, the Solution is Simple, Just one line of PHP Code does this task!

Let’s suppose a Main HTML page called index.html.

It contains the following Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>


<title>HTML Page</title>




<li>About Us</li>

<li>Contact Us</li>


<h1>HOME PAGE</h1>



Let’s Suppose you want to Reuse the code under the <ul> element.

Copy the code and paste it in a file, save it as menu.php.

Now replace the <ul> element in the index.html page with this:

<?php include ‘menu.php’ ?>

Save the index.html file as index.php.

Now run it on a Website/Web Server or Local Machine Server.

You will see the Menu appear!

(Prank) How to Shutdown PC with Timer.

(Virus-Protection) How to Protect yourselves from Macro Viruses.

How to Shutdown PC on Startup (With and Without Timer)

How to Shutdown PC on Startup (With and Without Timer)

Your Friend or Sibling uses your Laptop or Computer for Hours??

Here’s a simple solution, which will show you how you can get a Computer to NEVER open again or Set a Timer specifying

after how many seconds the PC should Shutdown.

First, Open File Explorer or ‘Run’ and type “Shell:Startup”. In this Startup Folder, Right-Click and Select New >> Shortcut.

Startup Folder

In the URL or File Path, Type in the following statement:

Shutdown -s -t 00

Then click Next >> Finish.

This will cause the PC to shutdown whenever the Account is logged into.


Making the Shutdown a Timer is really easy, you can just go to “Run” and type:

Shutdown -s -t 3600

This will initiate the timer to Shutdown PC after One Hour.

The 00 at the end of statement specifies the Time in Seconds for the PC to Shutdown. 3600 means an Hour.


You can repeat the Steps to make a Shortcut in Startup folder and then instead of the Shutdown -s -t 00 you can type Shutdown -s -t 3600.

This will make sure that whenever the PC Starts the timer is set on.

Shortcut for Shutdown

Finish and Change the Name

How to Escape from It?

What if you don’t want the timer to be applied to Yourself?

To Stop the Timer, Open “Run” and type shutdown -a.

There! It’s as Simple as that!!! It can stop any shutdown processes which are generated by even Viruses.

To Protect yourselves from Macro Viruses, See my Post HERE.

How to protect yourselves from Macro Viruses (Windows Virus)

Macro Viruses are those which are embedded in Microsoft Word Documents and Microsoft Excel Workbooks.

Macro viruses are written in Visual Basic in Word or Excel.

How to protect yourselves from it?

There is a good way by which you can protect yourselves from Macro Viruses. They are spread usually by Emails.

There is an important point you need to remember, Macro Files have the .docm or .xlsm.

You must open documents only when you are expecting it, and by chance you are willing to open it, check if the document has the correct extension.

Suppose your friend gives you a Word document for your project. He will usually send it with a .doc or .docx(.docx is the latest version from windows 8 onwards). These type of files MAY contain virus, but they usually don’t.

Scanning for virus

Anti-Virus software will NOT detect Macro Viruses.

It is the biggest threat to our system, Macro Viruses, since they are in MICROSOFT Word Format, Do not get detected by Anti-Virus programs, unless the macro virus has another executable file with it.

As you can see from the image above, Macro Viruses are the most common and hazardous viruses in the context of file manipulation.

Image result for macro virus

Remember, there are always people who are willing to hack your computer/laptop no matter the kind of files you keep.

Image result for macro virusImage result for macro virus

Always be alert,  Don’t always trust Windows Defender or your Anti-Virus program for your protection, you have to be self-aware.

Image result for macro virus

Macro-Virus protectors are available, but don’t use them as even they can sometimes be fooled.

For more information, I found this site:

Reliance Foundation School Tricks, Cheats, and Ethical HACKS!


Hey guys! Some of you in my class ask, “How did you hack my account?” .

Well, I would say that you don’t need to hack accounts.

But, anyway, first thing a programmer must be doing while accessing someone’s computer must be checking out the C:\ (C Drive) of the user.

That is exactly what I first did.

But if you type in C:\ in the file explorer, it will give you a message like this:

Accessing the resource

It will display: Accessing the resource “C:\” has been disallowed.

To overcome this, simply go to Desktop >> <Right-Click> >> New >> Shortcut.

Creating a Shortcut

In the shortcut window, type the location as C:\.

Type C:\ in the shortcut window

Then click Next and then Finish.

And then VOILA! Your shortcut is created and when you click on it you can easily access the C Drive (C:).

Stay Tuned.


Everybody knows the legendary java game Minecraft.

Minecraft was made by Markus ‘Notch’ Persson.

It’s full version comes at a cost.

Many of us will want it free, of course you want it free! has generously put up the full version 1.8.8 for FREE!

You can get it by clicking here.


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Download Minecraft for Windows

Download Minecraft for Mac

Download Minecraft for Every PC Operating System

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Email Hacking

I have built a program that was initially built for hacking Gmail Accounts, but now it supports hacking of any email. You can download the tool here, and then I will explain how to build it yourself. For building it you need to have basic knowledge of the programming language

Visual C#.


I am a Programmer and Hacker, my specialty is Websites.

Check out my website where I teach HTML5 for free.

My website is

This is just the home page of the post, For learning how to hack, see my other post.

I also have a blog on Blogger named Be sure to check that out too!

My programming skills are: html, css, JavaScript, C#, ASP. NET MVC, BOOTSTRAP, C, JQuery, jQuery mobile

Visual C#, Java.